The need to feed Cactus care Succulent feeding

Cactus Care: Feeding A Starving Cactus – Can I Get Some Blooms Here?

First of all, I admit that I am not a cactus grower nor do I know a lot about cactus care. I only have this one that I would identify as a ferocactus. I mostly deal with succulents and garden perennials and annuals and such. So when I asked the advice of one of the experts on YouTube, the first question they asked was “When did I last feed it?”

Embarrassed to admit it, but I just don’t feed a lot of my plants. In fact, it has probably been a year or two since this one had a good meal. Working outdoors, I always feel that the rains and constantly renewing soil around the plants kept them fed. So I never really worried about my plants outside. But inside, when a plant is confined to its pot only, feeding becomes necessary. I am a bad plant Mommy. My children are starving, some more than others.

two cactus in hypertufa pots

Occasionally I have mixed up plant food and fed my potted plants, but mostly I fear doing it because I am afraid that I will “fry” them or poison them by giving them too much. But I just need to get over it, right?

Those of us who have indoor plants in containers are always warned that overwatering is the number one reason that they die. And overfeeding with a fertilizer can kill them too. That always make me hesitate to feed mine. I really need to adjust my thinking.

Here is a post where I have separated the Mom and baby cacti. I thought it might help her bloom. Maybe this spring/summer?

Which Fertilizer for Cactus Care?

After researching several different types of plant fertilizers, I have decided on the Schultz brand and and I am including an affiliate link. I could earn a commission if you make a purchase through my link. [easyazon_link identifier=”B00BARLGXW” locale=”US” tag=”thehypegard0d-20″] Check out this fertilizer [/easyazon_link] and I will explain why I chose it.

Based on its rating, the Schultz Cactus Plus is a weaker solution than other brands or types. That helps me with my fear of “burning” it up by feeding it too much. If I am to practice good cactus care, I need to not overfeed my plants.

Directions have me mix a solution of 7 drops in one quart of water and use this solution to water the plant each time. Since these plants are not watered often, I feel that I can safely give them “drinks” of their food solution each time. I will mark the container as Plant Food and I will be using this for my cactus, aloe and other succulents.

Cactus in hypertufa.

It’s solution contains 2-7-7 which is the ratio of product in the solution or its percentage in the solution . The first number is the N for nitrogen which promotes green growth. Nitrogen is the key ingredient in photosynthesis.

The second number or P is phosphorus which promotes flowers or fruit and root growth. The third number is K or Potassium which helps to use water better and be more drought resistant. The plant can handle stress better.

You can see how pale my Cactus is in the photos. It needs help badly.

pale cactus in hypertufa pot

As you see in the video, I have completely hydrated and fed both my cactus and my Aloe that I wrote about in another post. These both are now settled in their new environment for the summer.

Since my cactus will be on the screened porch, I promise to feed them during the early spring/summer growing season.

two cacti on screened porch

I will update you when she brings me flowers! I hope she will. I hope she is not mad at me. I guess she has every right. Yes, I have completely lost my mind.

Til next time!

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