Nana’s Garden Shed…I Guess I Have a Lot of Stuff!
Two years ago I finally became one of “those” gardeners.
And by that I mean that I finally got a garden shed. I graduated to having a place to call my own……for all my Stuff.
And by all that Stuff, I mean all those tools and containers and supplies, and seed packets and used plant pots and labels, and stacks of mystery things I might need know, Stuff. Everything I’d need to use in my garden would be scattered from here to there. Some stuff in the garage, some stuff in my husband’s storage barn, some stuff on tables on the deck, and then more Stuff stacked here and there all over.
So I finally moaned and whined until we went to the local Home and Garden Big Box store, and got one! It is by no means big, just 10 x 10 if I remember correctly. And my husband added a window for me to look over my planters. And we put up a post up to hang hummingbird feeders and hanging planters. I was so happy to finally have my shed. For all my Stuff.
When Jacob, my grandson, and his friends play here, this becomes his clubhouse or apartment or new home, whatever his imagination makes it that day! Once when I first got it, he “bought” it. We negotiated and finally settled on a price, then pretended the paper signing. Kids learn so much these days from the internet. He likes to go in and shut the door and watch from the window. I LOVE the window!
I also have a magnetic strip attached to the door to hang my pruners, and weeders, and spades. Makes them quick and easy to find….if I put them back there when I finish the job. I am getting better with that.
My shed is not where I usually work on my hypertufa pots and planters. I have a workbench by the garage for that. It makes it closer to my Portland cement and large bags of vermiculite which have taken over a part of the garage. Plus the wrapped hypertufas in some stage of curing, and more molds, and all the measuring things and scoops and……Wow, I got a lot of Stuff!
Well, I have work to do in the garden. As you can see, the path is being overtaken by the sedum and the sundrops and coreopsis coming from the other side. Gotta pull some of those out. And then I have a giant hypertufa to un-mold! But more about that in another post!
Do you have a shed in your garden? Do you have a lot of Stuff? Do you have some tips for organizing it? Let me know in the comments and visit the Facebook page. Thanks for reading!
Sheds are really nice. You can store on them or convert them to be a decor in your garden or a livable space.
I am jealous of your shed!! Someday I would love to have one of my own too.
You will soon. And if not, just take half of the garage!