image of mini glass block terrarium

Found A Mini Glass Block At Goodwill – Let’s Make A Terrarium!

While recently combing the Thrift shops around here looking for an aquarium to convert, I stumbled across one of those Glass Blocks. These are the glass blocks that are used as a part of a window construction or even room dividers where transparency is desired. ( I don’t really see that used much anymore, but have seen it in older houses. But we know that what’s in today, goes out, then returns as an innovation for another year.)

Having recently noticed an event coming up at a garden center near me, the program was planting up these Mini Glass Blocks as a terrarium. Some of the examples also showed water plant projects too. But I thought instantly that I would make a mini glass block succulent terrarium for me. Into the cart it went, and it was only $2.99!

image of pin for mini glass block terrarium

I have quite a few shells and a wonderful plant called Crassula muscosa which looks like some under-sea plant in my eyes, so I thought I could plant that up and have a beautiful display. Adding a few more succulents from my collection will finish the display. So many of my succulents have “pupped” this winter.

image of opening on glass block

My block has an opening, but there would be no drainage. However, with careful watering, I know I can make this work!

Come with me and see how I did this.

My mini glass block terrarium will measure 7.5 inches square and has an opening that is about 1 inch by 3.5 inches. on top. The width of the glass block is just over 3 inches. It is a small terrarium but I think will just be perfect for a small “under-sea” look that I am going for, don’t you?

Are you looking to purchase one? Here is an Amazon affiliate link to the [easyazon_link identifier=”B0053HCNVO” locale=”US” tag=”thehypegard0d-20″] Craft Glass Blocks [/easyazon_link].

What to Plant in My Mini Glass Block Terrarium

I used plant that I already had in other containers here at my Garden Shop in the basement. I thought the Crassula muscosa or Watch Chain Plant look really great as a mock-up for under the sea. See what you think:

closeup image of crassula muscosa

I also used a couple of pups from Echeveria runyonii ‘Topsy Turvy”. These were cut from the Mama plant with only a short stem and I am sure they will be sending out roots soon. Lying on that bed of turkey grit and small stones, they will search out the soil and water source. That blue color will add a nice touch.

image of Echeveria runyonii 'Topsy Turvy"

And speaking of color. I also pinched a few Crassula capitella “Campfire” with a rich orange under tone. They get redder in bright light. I just purchased the Momma last year and she has certainly been a fertile one!

image of Crassula capitella Campfire

And finally a Graptopetalum paraguayense or ghost plant which is just an extra growing from some other pots that I have re-arranged. It seems you just can’t stop a succulent. Neglect them and they will be growing again when you decide to water them. This one looked really healthy. Sorry little guy that I ignored you for so long.

image of Graptopetalum paraguayense Ghost Plant

Now It’s Complete

This turned out really well and I think I am going to like it. I want to put it upstairs for now so that I can set it whereever I want. That’s the advantage of glass with no drainage hole. Just be careful how you water it!  I will allow these plants to grow this year and when it is full, I can replant.

More and more plants…it just never ends!

image of the top view of my mini glass block terrarium


  1. Did you seal the hole on the top or leave it open?

    1. No, I just left it open completely. Perhaps I should have made a vivarium? and sealed it?

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