Get Those Planters Ready – Winter is Coming
Are You Ready for Fall? and Frost?
It has been so rainy these last few weeks, we’ve had flood warnings in many counties around here in Ohio. But we had been dry and the grass was looking brown in patches. So I am getting some more canning done inside. Purple green beans. Never knew there was such a thing!
The fall is approaching and we need to consider our hypertufa troughs and planters. Here in Ohio, I leave mine out all winter and the winter gets really cold. Last year, we were at -10º for days at a time. And the wind was brutal.
The hypertufa planters are meant to withstand the lower temperatures. The porosity of the structure allows for a slight expand and contract reaction to the weather. So what we need to do is to make sure that the planters don’t sit in a place where they could be in standing water. I usually elevate mine on a pedestal of some kind or on bricks or Pot Feet which you can purchase or make from scraps of left-over hypertufa mix.
My Giant Hypertufa Trough is growing the Elfin Thyme all down the sides and the pinks must think it is spring since we have been having some cool nights. At least I get a few blooms! I have it elevated on concrete blocks.
Don’t put the planter ( either winter or summer) where it would get the spillover from an overhanging roof or other such structure. It is the wet-freeze that can kill your plants. Dry cold typically is not a problem.
I have a lot of my hypertufa planters set up on a tree stumps against the fence. And along with that, most are sitting on pedestals. You can use those small steel wire elevators which are made for many kinds of planters.
Meanwhile, the rest of the garden is looking a little ratty in some places. I have a beautyberry bush that has provided lunch for some insect or caterpillar. I’ve found many holes in the leaves.
I saw this beautyberry bush bloom in spring, so I have anxiously awaited the berries and it is covered. Now they should turn blue?
I really love the hibiscus plant. I think those flowers are so pretty, and the only thing I would change about them would be to have the bloom last longer than just one day.
One afternoon in this next week, I will need to start planting my terrariums again. I am planning to bring a few of my tenders inside in glass containers again. That works out so well if no bugs come in and I want to do it again. These are some of the ones I will clip and snip.
Meanwhile, the weeds are thriving! They can grow overnight to dinner plate size. And the ground ivy, it has sneaked under the potting bench. I will get to that someday! Maybe if the rain stays away today, I will get a chance to get out there and weed. You know how easy they are to pull after the ground is rained on for a day or two. Should be easy!
What are you doing this week?
Wow, just looking at last years temperature sent a shiver in my bones! I was going to work outside but this humidity is making me change my mind.
I hate to see the season end, because I just dread the winter snow and ice. Way too cold last year. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen again.