Sunday’s Garden Walk – Part 2
We didn’t get to finish our Sunday Garden Walk
So today, I will finish with everything I left out yesterday. There was a lot to show and tell, so we just need to continue through the garden and deck to show you my hypertufa too. Isn’t this round bowl a pretty sampling of the sempervivums that I use? I love the color variations in these. That featured image above is a closeup of this photo below. I added the background to go with the color in the large center semp.
If you missed Part 1, you can find it here.
These are several of my newer hypertufa bowls from this year. I planted them up in just the semps and decorative stones and I think they are going well. It seems that the colors are nice with this gray in the natural mixture. I like them a lot.
I have several sitting along the steps and then across the bench at the end of the deck. It makes it easier to water and tend the hypertufa if it is all grouped together. I like having evergreen plants in the containers too so that they are fuller and have some height. This one has cascading soapwort on the opposite side but it is not still in bloom. It was pretty this spring!
And another one………….I always have another one.
Further into the garden, under a small sweet gum tree, I have a cluster of hypertufa pots and bowls either balanced on blocks or pedestals of some kind or just placed on rocks or gravel. These planters have the portulaca and some sempervivums and also the lithodora that I wrote about in this post.
Does anyone have some “ditch lilies” even though I don’t really like them? I don’t know what these are really called but I call them ditch lilies like my Mom used to call them. I feel like I want that splash of color but I don’t really like the orange color, but I still want it. Yes, I know it makes no sense but that is how I contradict myself.
Of course, my other lilies are blooming too and I like them. These are some large yellow ones with a name like Butter Cream or something like that. It is not the Stella D’oro. I have had them and they are smaller and not as pastel yellow. I have long ago lost the name. These are determined lilies because I once thought they had died and dumped them into the compost pile. A year later, I was back there and went around the back and saw them blooming so pretty. I thought: This flower is determined to show me how great it is. So I dug it out of the compost pile and put it back in the garden. Go figure that one out.
I have to finish this since I could pass out photos of my plants and bowls just like a Nana at a family reunion with pictures of her grandchildren. So here is my favorite Balloon Flower or Platycodon. I just love the color blue and that makes this one my favorite.
Thanks for coming to the tour this summer. What’s going on in your garden?