image of sansevieria plant blades ready to cut for propagation

Easy Snake Plant Propagation – My First Time – Water & Soil Methods

First of all, I have never tried snake plant propagation, but there is no time like the first time, so I thought I would share the experience in case you wanted to try it too! We all have to start sometime if we want to do it, right?

I will be trying water propagation and soil propagation and see which one works best for me. I have had a lot of success with water propagation with other plants, so I am hoping for the same success when I try this Sansevieria or Snake plant.

image of closeup of blade of snake plant

This Sansevieria is the “laurentii” variety and I have had it for a long time. It grows very slowly and seems to be curling somewhat on some of the leaves. These thick leaves are very sturdy and blade-like. A common name is “Mother-in-Law’s Tongue” though I think I might resemble resent that remark.

Sansevieria or Snake plants are very easy plants to grow. (Here are some more easy houseplants for inside.) They can do well in low light and hardly need watering. In fact, the more fussy you get about them the more trouble you may have. Just put them on a buffet or side table and every six weeks or so give them a little water. Seriously, it’s that easy.

image of Sansevieria cylindrica
Sansevieria “Cylindrica”

I have a Sansevieria “Cylindrica” that grows in a round blade like a bamboo stick. Mine is still a smaller and younger one and this one takes a little more water. I need work on taking better care of it.

It seems to want to scatter all around instead of its blades all going straight up, so I need to find the right place with the right amount of light all around.

image of Sansevieria Bird's Nest
Sansevieria “Bird’s Nest”

Another variety that I have is the Sansevieria “Bird’s Nest” that is a very short version of the typical Snake Plant. It is around 6 inches tall and its propagation is by just multiplying pups. These form so easily, there is no need to try cuttings etc. New pups just appear next to Momma as they grow.

Snake Plant Propagation in Water

One of my methods of propagation for my Snake Plant is via water propagation. Taking a strong blade from the main pot, I cut it into several segments and I will suspend these segments in water, maybe only about an inch of tap water, and wait for roots to grow.

As I cut the segments, I am making a “V” cut on the bottom so that I will know which is end of the segment is to go down into the water. I know myself. I will forget which is down. Assuming that roots will only grow from the end that goes into soil, I guess that is important.

image of snake plant cuttings in water for rooting
Sansevieria blades in water propagation

It should take a month for roots to grow, but since this is the first time I have done it, I shall see about that. Freshening the water every few days should help.

Why not put some in a tall vase too? That would be really pretty while I wait for roots to grow. And shouldn’t I make a special hypertufa pot for my growing Snake Plant Farm? It is fun to make a pot specifically for the needs of your plant.

Snake Plant Propagation in Soil

Using another blade, I cut it the same way, and placed these segments of the Sansevieria upright in soil that is barely moist. Again this will take a month or more for sprouting to occur. According to an article on The Houseplant Guru, this variety is a “chimera” plant, so the sprout will not have the yellow edge.

New sprouts will not have the yellow band down the edges of the blade like the original plant. The new sprouts will have just the green patterned look instead. If you want the yellow band, you just need to divide your plant instead.

image of cuttings of snake plant inserted into soil to root
Propagation of Snake Plant in soil

Check out my video on YouTube Propagating Snake Plants in Water and Soil

Sansevieria Propagation Pups

In an upcoming video, I will show you my new purchase, a Sansevieria “Moonshine.” It appears it that was propagated by the soil method. These new sprouts are called pups (as in most succulents) and luckily, I found a pot with three large pups. Needless to say, I am thrilled.

image of Sansevievia Moonshine

I am planning to take that original blade from this pot and cutting it to propagate some new Moonshine plants. When I repot it, I will see if these new puts came from that blade, and if so, I will try and grow new ones. Or will they revert to the original?

Now matter what, I can’t wait to get more Moonshine, right?


  1. Hi, I wanted to let you know I found your article about Easy Snake Plant Propagation very helpful. Thank you, Richard

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