What Are These Shrubs and Trees In My New Garden?
Great news! We have moved into the new house – completely here now since the older two homes are now sold and closed. So all of our “stuff” is here. Yes, it is so disorganized and messy and I can’t find a thing most times, but each day gets better and better. I have to tackle it one box at a time, right?
One of the disadvantages of moving at this time of year (early spring) is that I find it so hard to identify what these shrubs and trees are around the house. Most have not leafed out yet since the warm weather days are few and far between. If we have a warm day, the next day is snowy, so it hampers my need to know what is in this yard!
At this point, I have not seen any bulbs coming up anywhere so I can only assume that the prior owners didn’t have any of that typed of plant, or it could be that the animals have stuffed their little bellies as full as they can…..and they are all gone! I hear they don’t eat daffodils so I brought some of those to add for next year. Next spring there will be color!
I have only been able to identify a few shrubs in the foundation planting and that was because I found a tag still attached. One of these was a Viburnum Lantana “Mohican” and the other was a Ninebark “Diablo.” I have googled each of those and they do sound like they would be beautiful bushes so I am looking forward to them leafing out and blooming as the case may be.
There are also some rose bushes around the deck and one of them had a tag which said Knock Out Rose “Rosa Radrazz” and I have not grown roses at all. So I am assuming I would identify those by their blooms? Are they all Knock Out or are they different varieties? We shall all see. I need to quickly find out if I should have cut them early in the spring, leave them alone, or find out it is too late and they should have been cut in the fall. Perhaps the previous owner did all that last fall? They do appear to have been trimmed down…..don’t they? See the video.
Rose of Sharon is my guess for the wall of trees against the neighbors fence. We have spoken to several of the neighbors and it appears everyone around here is very friendly, so I will pump for information at a later time when we have some time “over the garden fence,” right?
We are quite close to the Stillwater River and have a small creek running along the rear of the property. Only a tiny portion is supposedly on this property and I will explore and make a video of that area sometime later. There were terribly heavy rains last week and the creek ran high and fast, but it doesn’t come over the sides into the yard at all. There is a fence to the rear of the property and it is well beyond that fence. Unfortunately, we did see some areas where water pools in the yard. Maybe that is why there is a River Birch planted there? This is a River Birch, right?
I can recognize some spirea and boxwood here, a few hosta too. Of course, creeping Charlie is growing fast and I need some spare time to get out there and get a handle on it before it takes over. A lot of hairy bittercress too. We gardeners all know what happens if I let it flower and go to seed. Attention needed fast!
We have a weeping tree of some sort out front. My daughter had a weeping cherry out front at her last home, so I am sure she will love a flowering tree here too. Maybe we can make a more accurate guess to what it is once it leafs out and flowers. Hope it’s pink!
If you know of any ID for any of these trees, shrubs or plants, please let me know. I always like to know what I am dealing with so that I treat it likes it needs to be treated. My neighbors will probably help too. I am loving my yard so far, even if it is not as much of a garden as I had before. This is what I can handle now. A few borders and foundation plantings, right?