Project Updates

Project Updates – How Have They All Turned Out?

It is time we did an update on old projects that I have previously shown here in a post and on my YouTube Channel Kim’s Gardens. Maybe you were wondering how things turned out and were just curious if I would ever provide any update. Well today, I am going to address at least three of those projects so that you can see how well they’ve come along.

I have done and filmed a lot of projects, and I know you'd like to know how they've turned out. So here are those projecct updates.

Most of the time, my projects have turned out well. But you will see some instances where my expectations were exceeded……and then others, not so much.  But isn’t gardening a continuous experiment? We plant, we sow, and then have faith that the outcome will be great. It usually is, right?

My Hillside Rock Garden Project Updates

Earlier this year, I did a post on my north hillside garden.  If you remember, that garden was an existing boulder and rock garden that I was planting with sedum and succulents. I am so glad to report that the garden is doing well and the sedum have multiplied tremendously in just the three months since I planted it up.

Project Updates - New look for the hillside garden

All of the crevices seem to be filling with the sedum. I weed only occasionally. It still an area that my grandson likes to test out his “car crashes” down the hill, but he mostly avoids all my plants so I don’t mind.

I have removed a lot of the day lilies and they have refreshed themselves and regrew. But eventually I will have them all completely removed. But check out the video and see how nicely it is grown in. Overall, I would consider this planting a success. Now this bed will bring me cuttings galore for all my new hypertufa planters, right? Mission accomplished.

My Baby Succulent Farm Project Updates

Do you remember my little baby succulent farm?  What a success that has been! I have so many cuttings that are growing so well, I can populate many new planters plus have a lot to put inside in my terrariums. I did root cuttings of some tender succulents, so I will surely plant up more terrariums this fall again. Using terrariums for wintering over my tender succulents seems to work best for me, and you may want to try that if you haven’t before.

Project Updates - Baby succulent farm

All of the cuttings have doubled and tripled in size and have grown many new branches. My only casualty has been the rosemary. That quickly went to “dried up sticks” as you can see in the video. Guess I need to study up about how to root rosemary, eh?

I did have birds or chipmunks (?) carrying off the cuttings sometimes, but when I found those in the morning, I just placed them back in the “farm” and they continued growing. Maybe they are tasty to chipmunks, but I am not sure why the birds went after them. Did they look like an insect they like to eat? Who knows!

My Baby Sunrose In Cupcake Pots Project Updates

First of all, I am still in love with my Baby Sunrose, and those cuttings in the little hypertufa cupcake pots  have grown very well, even to blooming stage in the tiny pots. I have so many little cuttings in my various hypertufa bowls that I can bring more inside this winter so that I can continue to have that pot of blooming succulents all next summer too. I can even get a  quicker start since I won’t be moving and having to fetch and transport in April and May like I did last year.

Project Updates - Baby sunrose cuttings

I will reference the old videos in each case so that you can see how far we have come. Be sure to check those old videos out too. I appreciate it when you watch my videos.

I chose these three projects and I know I have some more you may be curious about too. Let me know and I will dig up some video or just go film a new one to show you how things have evolved this year.

The Swedish Ivy Cutting Project Updates

Look at the small cutting of swedish ivy I did a short while back. I found a pretty blue glass Jar-Pot to put it inside. I think this will be cute for a short while. I hope it will outgrow it over the winter time. Then I will  have a lot more cuttings to root!

Project update on swedish ivy cutting

It has been a new experience this year in a new home, and now we have the adventure of seeing what fall and winter will be like here. Wish us luck!

How about that Multi-generational Living Project, Kim?

Come to think of it, I need to do an update on this Multi-generational living. Aren’t you all curious about how THAT is working out? Let me know and I will search my soul and see what I can tell you about that. Now that is a Project, no?

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