Oh No! Is Summer Over?
What is the event that lets you know summer is over?
Seeing the first turning leaves? Chilly mornings and evenings? The kids going back to school?
I think when the mums start blooming, you know the season is changing. You begin by seeing a hint of color and a lot of buds, then suddenly, color is popping all over.
In this area, several weeks ago, we got to see the Sunflower field on Yankee Rd. It is such a pretty sight completely covered with sunflowers. You love seeing them when you are driving by, but regretfully, you know it is signalling the end of summer.
A gardener will always be thinking ahead at what season is coming, so that you can be ready with the blossoms you are expecting at that time of year. See more posts about my Backyard Flower Garden via this index.
I always have chrysanthemums coming because I love the tidy little bush they make all year and then you get all that glorious color. My Mom always told me to pinch until the 4th of July, but not after that. I must admit, I have pinched a few stragglers after that date, but it didn’t seem to hurt. I guess it delayed blooming a little, but when so many come, let a few be late.
I am so thrilled when my fall anemone start to bud and bloom. I have the pink ones and they have re-seeded and are coming up more and more each year. I love that. Even the buds are pretty.
My hypertufa troughs are all ready for fall. I just keep having to fish out the falling leaves. And always a weed here and there. Falling leaves are here already, but not only are the colored leaves falling, also dead ones. We have a lot of ash trees in this area, and they have suffered with the Emerald Ash Borer.
My hydrangea bush has beautiful color in its leaves, but rarely blooms at all. I think it is the “Endless Summer” variety, at least that is what it was labeled. It was blooming when I bought it, so I know it is capable. But I have only had a few blooms in those seven years. I have moved it twice, but no change. But it is a pretty bush anyway, so I will take it as is.
I guess the real sign for me is on Friday evenings when I am in the garden moving around some hypertufa or weeding a little. I realize that I am hearing, from several miles away, the sounds of the high school band at the school’s first football games or practices of the season.
The sounds are just barely there, like a memory floating in the air, but you can feel the beat of the drums still.
Love that sound. I am not a football fan, but I sure loved those old high school days during the football season. Roaming the bleachers and watching the popular cheerleaders and jocks.
Giggling with your girlfriends, and stopping to yell when your team scored.
Yes, summer is winding down when you hear the high school band playing in the quiet of a September evening.
What makes you know or feel that summer is ending? Perhaps you tend a vegetable garden and are planting fall crops? I am bringing pumpkins around to the front to put them on display again. It’s fall!
Hi Kim,
Love your blog…
Summer is almost over when you walk outside and get smacked in the face with spider webs. I will walk a long way out of my way just not to go between two bushes! I have also been known to carry a stick and wave it in front of me on my way to the chicken coop. The rabbits have been loving the cool nights.
All of my doors are already hung with “Halloween decorations.” I hate when I forget and just walk through the door going outside and get them all in my hair! Thanks.
The first of the leaves wafting down. Black walnuts and acorns dropping. I ditto the sounds of football, both in real life and on tv. Webworms everywhere, decorating for Halloween! LOL. That’s a beautiful image of the chrysanthemums. I try to add some each year. I love them, too! By this time, I’m ready for the heat and dryness of summer to leave, and I eagerly await the first cool fronts and pulling out the sweaters again.
I also have many Halloween decorations (aka spider webs) all over. They really get active this time of year. Dropping into the 40s tonight. I am not ready!