Moving hypertufa pots and repotting succulents

Moving Hypertufa Pots, Another RePlant & Rip Up Bushes

One of my hypertufa pots that I have grown for several years seems to have one of the plants dying out. I am not sure of the reason, but the Sedum hispanicum in that pot doesn’t seem to be reviving this spring as it usually does. Maybe it has just fizzled out naturally? It is a delicate plant in looks and texture, but by this time of the year, it has typically all plumped out and is looking good. Maybe I need to take action. I will just replant it while I am moving hypertufa pots.

Need to replant and move hypertufa pots

This is how it is supposed to look in the spring. It is a hardy plant for this zone and I have grown in many years. Different pot, of course, but this is a photo I could locate with the hispanicum looking like it normally does. It is more purple looking the cooler it is, gets greener as the temps rise.

Sedum hispanicum usually in spring

Yes, I will just do a replant of this hypertufa pot . The last one I replanted and refreshed is looking so good, I just have to do the same for this trough. I owe it to the pot. This hypertufa was made several years back and is still in great condition. Decision made. Let’s do it!

My daughter and I have recently made some changes out front in the small garden that I wrote about last spring. Since last spring was our first one here at this new home, we didn’t want to do anything drastic until we had lived here for a while and really assessed what we liked and didn’t like. So by this second spring at the new house, my daughter thought that the “excess of bushes” we had out front just had to go.

Moving hypertufa pots and bushes also

After consulting with everyone we knew, no one wanted those bushes for transplant ( one large boxwood and two medium spirea) , so unfortunately, we ended up discarding them. We waited until several rainy days passed, and then shoveling them out was surprisingly easy.  It is a shame but we will give them a Viking funeral one of these dry and cool spring evenings soon.

I have a lot of brush from trimming the Rose of Sharon earlier. We need some dry weather so we can start a proper fire out there. Love doing that when we can roast hot dogs on the embers. Can I resist some s’mores? Will I be strong? Probably not.

Ready for a sendoff of these trimmed and removed bushes

Also in this area of the front bed, I want to add some hardy geraniums too. These will be moved from their spot in the backyard. They are just in their budding stage like when you buy them potted, so I think this move will work nice for them. These are Bigroot geraniums or Geranium macrorrhizum and they have a lovely pink blossom. Bigroot geranium has a spreading habit but grows low and fairly tight to suppress weeds which always sprout from the mulch.

Moving Hypertufa Pots and replanting

Relocating Hypertufa Pots

Coming back around from the back deck will be two or three more hypertufa pots. Yes, I am a re-arranger all the time. But for that front corner at the beginning of the sidewalk, I want some larger hypertufa to complete the visual of that border of containers. It will be awesome. ( At least until I change my mind.)

We found a little toad living in the drainage pipe out front. He popped out when we moved it and I hope he goes back to his home when we get all done here. He is a warty looking thing but, whether or not it is the same one, I don’t want to lose my toad that I have seen off and on for the whole past year.

Patient toad waiting for us to get out of the garden

Be sure to check out the video and comment to let me know what you think. I love my lasting chronicle of my garden, both inside and outside, that I have through YouTube and this blog. It is really nice looking back on it all. Ok, let’s go get to the gardening chores today!

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