More Possibilities – Draped Hanging Pots
This summer I am using my draped hanging pots
Three years ago, I made several draped hypertufa pots and now I am enjoying them as hanging pots. It seems to work and I have experimented last spring to be sure they hold and don’t allow the weight of the pot to “tear” the fabric.I am glad to report that they worked just fine, and are continuing to hold more plants this year.
These pots were made with linen napkins and were just about the size I wanted to hang. You may want to test yours too to see if they would work as draped hanging pots.
I have used some smaller versions of the draped hypertufa pots as seen in these posts:
Oh the Possibilities! Draped Hypertufa
and there are three videos beginning with this one:
Part One: Making a Draped Hypertufa Planter_The Hypertufa Gardener
I had wondered if these would work as a hanging planter. And I found out that they do! I have had them hanging for a long time, since early spring 2015, and the weight of the pot and plant have not torn out any of the edges where I have attached a chain.
You need: A drill and some chains with slip/spring links
I used some of the planters that I made in past years, so these have weathered the outdoors in Ohio, wind and snow, ice and rain, all the elements of fall and winter and spring.
I just felt that the silhouette of the planter would be perfect hanging up on hooks or from the eaves of the deck roof, so I have made them and left them hanging during rains etc during two spring seasons. The rains created extra weight but this has not torn the holes drilled in the sides and they are still hanging beautifully.
It is really simple and easy to change one of these into a hanging planter. You will need some chains, slip link/hooks, and your drill. A ruler or yardstick will help too.
#Affiliate Links – I selected a [easyazon_link identifier=”B000BQQLAG” locale=”US” tag=”thehypegard0d-20″] chain [/easyazon_link] with slip link/hooks ( mine were from an old discarded wire basket). Some of these are sets of three chains or four chains, so whichever you may have or order, you will need to measure three or four points on the draped planter judging where the chain will attach as needed for a balanced planter.
Or if you are good at macrame which was used a while back but seems to be back in fashion, make a hanger out of that. Or buy one like this [easyazon_link identifier=”B00RC63606″ locale=”US” tag=”thehypegard0d-20″] pretty macrame pot hanger.[/easyazon_link]
Be sure to use a strong chain or cord and/or hooks for any hanging planter. You don’t want any of them falling down upon you.
Attaching Chains to the Draped Hypertufa Pots
Measure points either in a triangle pattern for three chains or a rectangle/square for a four chain set. In order for the planter to hang level, you need to be sure to balance out your hanging points.
I filled the planter with the soil so that I would know the correct line to drill above. Using a long yardstick or ruler, make your holes on the same level plane.
The holes drill easily as you know from when you drilled drainage holes in the bottom. I don’t recommend using the “points” of your pot as the hanging attachment area. To me, it wouldn’t look right, but to each his own. Also I think is would distort the silhouette of the planter.
I went ahead and planted the plant, wave petunias in this one in the photo ( I have Baby Sun Rose in one this year) , and when all was watered and settled and any extra soil added, it was at this point that I put the slip hook into the holes.
Then adjust your chain to get an even hanging “situation” and you are ready. I have one out by the hummingbird feeder next to my garden shed. I really like looking at it against the green of the woods. Another is on a hook on the garden fence. Hopefully, my Baby Sun Rose will bloom soon.
So what do you think of the draped hanging pots? I really like them. See what you think by hanging one for yourself. They are reuseable for next year too, so could even be sheltered over the winter with a perennial. The ones I made last year are still hanging with no separation at the holes. Great!
Let me know if you try it and like it. I love it. And I hope you will too!
Me encanta,tanto me gustó que probé a hacerlo y estoy maravillada. tengo en proyecto hacer uno colgante. Todos los demas los tengo apoyados en las ventanas. Cuando pueda os envio las fotos , os encantaran.
Gracias por haberme enseñado.
Gracias, de nada.
I am going to try making some of these. Have you tried coloring the cement, or painting any finished pots?
I tried coloring the cement by adding latex paint but that didn’t work for me. I just painted afterwards.
Sorry, no idea how old these comments are, as there’s no dating…but there IS a way to colour cement. You can get concrete tints in the form of powders. They’re used when making stone-look driveways and paths.
You just mix it in while it’s still a “mud”, then use it as usual.
You will probably only get them in more natural earthy tones, but again, I have not looked into it to it much yet.
See what other powdered tints you can find out there! It’s sure to work!
I have colored the cement with latex paint and it worked good for me. I have also painted just the top edge with paint to set off the flower I planted in the pot.
Latex works great. And I have also used wood stains. I like that look.
I just love this.but I more thinking to make big one for my house inside. will that work?thank you.
Yes, I think this can work inside. Just be sure to put a drain saucer underneath so it won’t damage furniture or floors. I had mine inside for a while with a houseplant.
I love the idea of these planters. There rustic but modern edge all at the same time.
Thank you. I just love the look of them.
Thanks for the answer. Can’t wait to do this. My Master Gardener group is doing hypertufa soon and this will be on list for sure.
I really like this idea but how did you insert the hooks for the chains?
I just inserted the hooks into the hole. In most of the holes, the hook is just holding on. There is not enough room in my small hooks for it to go all the way “around” so I just have it that way. It is holding.
I made a large hanging pot and used chain under it for support and on up to my hook. I am very happy with the results and plan to make more to compliment the garden I am working on now. Our Master Gardener group made 40 pots for the Home & Garden Show, sold them all and had many requests for a class.
That is wonderful. I am so glad to hear it. Fun to make and I like them hanging. I am waiting for my Baby Sun Rose to get blooming in mine. It better hurry.