Kim’s Gardens 2016 – A Garden Review
It is the end of the year and since I am so anxioiusly awaiting spring once again. it is time to reflect on this past year’s garden and remember how pretty and colorful everything was, no matter how briefly. I love all the flowers and wish some could last longer. But we must enjoy each one as it shines in its own time, right?
I guess it is that way in all things. But I love my Backyard Flower Garden.
One of the best decisions this year was to re-gravel the garden. It was in need of a “refresh” and my husband and I did the work the spread the pea gravel. Back-breaking work but it was so worth it. My garden looked great and it was easy to take care of throughout the year. See post here.
All the blooming summer flowers and then the hypertufa pots in the rain were so nice to admire when I had a chance to sit down. don’t you agree? These were a great enhancement to Kim’s Gardens 2016 and I am looking forward to what more I can accomplish in 2017.
Remember my meadow? We are still pursuing grass for that area. It has populated with some seed sown by us and also the seed scattered by birds and wind. I can tolerate it for now. I wrote a post about my Temporary Meadow here.
Of course, the weeds still manage to thrive and I am constantly chasing them down with a spray bottle of vinegar solution.
My hypertufa pots and styrofoam pots are weathering well and looking awesome. A few have had run-ins with mowers ( I think my husband thinks his riding skills are better than they actually are.) This round one below is the firepit nestled in ajuga with a Styrofoam planter full of creeping phlox ( and a giant weed.)
I have a lot of the Styrofoam planters on the back deck. I can move these so easily, and ask anyone, I move them around a lot.
I have thrown seed from my balloon flowers against the edge of the foundation where my sedum grows so I am anxious to see how those will pair together this year. Hopefully we will have a match.
Any new ideas you plan to carry out this coming year? I want to continue to plant annual bloomers which will give the garden more color. I got this lovely basket for Mother’s Day last year. But it didn’t last as long as I would have liked.
I will learn to do better with my hanging pots. I should have transferred it out of the plastic pot it came in but I just never got around to it. There are just not enough hours in the day, right?
And we did have our Visitors. Yes, isn’t she a furry looking creature! It was in the fall and very cold outside. She was lying against the garage door but gone the following day. Probably will find her way inside and cuddle up to me on the couch!
Now we will celebrate the coming new year and dream about our gardens for the spring! Oh, I can’t wait!