Hungry Hummingbirds-The Hypertufa Gardener

Hungry Hummers! Keep That Nectar Full

 I have seen an increase in hummingbirds!

First of all, an increase in my yard and garden means I see two or three at a time instead of one, since I don’t see hummingbirds very often in pairs. We have very large trees in the rear portion of our back yard, and they seem to hide there. You can just barely see them sitting on the branches. We have some bare branches hanging low where ash trees have died. More and more trees have had to come down due to the Emerald Ash Borer.

This little hummer in the video appears to possibly be a young hatching because he seems so fluffy and not sleek like the ones I usually see. He used his long beak to maybe scratch? or is it getting the critters off him? Such as a mite or flea?

Hungry Hummers - The Hypertufa Gardener

I am not sure what his problem is. I certainly hope he is not sick. I have tried to highlight the branch he is on at the beginning of the video. And you can see him fly off quickly. He is getting territorial with one or more other hummers who keep flitting by the feeder.

I like the flat feeders better than the other styles. Maybe you have a preference too? But this is the one that works for me. These are my Amazon affiliate links if you should like to purchase there.

[easyazon_link identifier=”B003XL7WZO” locale=”US” nw=”y” nf=”y” tag=”thehypegard0d-20″]Aspects HummZinger HighView 12 oz Hanging Hummingbird Feeder[/easyazon_link]

He seems to have won and just sits there and won’t leave the perch.  You can see his tongue going in and out sometimes, and he appears to make a few “deposits” on the deck.

Thank you. I appreciate the fertilizer speck.

How late in the year should I leave the feeders out?

photo of a young hummingbird

I know the migration of the hummingbirds will probably be starting up north in another month or so. But I will be sure to keep the feeder out through October so that it will be there for any who are migrating on their way through Ohio. I have seen them come through even after the cold weather begins to settle in.  I am so dreading cold weather. I should not complain about the heat.

I am still using a 4:1 ration of water to sugar. Maybe I should change it up for a ratio of 3:1 so it is more nutritious?  I will need to read up on that.

**I checked and NO. Keep the same ratio all year long.

But I will be sure to keep it up until it is consistently cold or freezing weather and that way, any little late migrator will still get a sip.

If you purchase nectar, be sure to get the clear type. Do not use red nectar which is not healthy for the birds.  This is a concentrate that you can mix up quickly if you have a lot of hungry hummers!

[easyazon_link identifier=”B00RM70DDI” locale=”US” nw=”y” nf=”y” tag=”thehypegard0d-20″]Perky-Pet 244CL 2-Pound Bag of Instant Clear Concentrate Hummingbird Nectar[/easyazon_link]

Are you seeing many hummingbirds this year at your feeders or in your flower garden?



  1. From a fellow gardener, thanks for the hummingbird info. My goal is to plant a hummingbird garden next year.

    1. Thanks, I am planning to plant more next year. And keep watch on those feeders!

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