
Loving My Hypertufa Planters

  I have a lot of hypertufa planters!

How many is too many? One day I may find out, but so far, I just want more and more. I love them all and I am always looking to make another one,  so it is no wonder that I have as many as I do.  As I write, I have more curing and waiting to be planted!  It seems that I always have another idea of a shape or container to use as a mold.  Then when I use it and the shape is so awesome, I just have to make more.

I make some small ones. These are for the smaller areas like a porch rail or for tiny bits of thyme. I have even planted them up with one single sempervivum and waited for it to make more chicks before I transplant and start the process all over again.

small hypertufa

And then some that are very large. I really am partial to the large ones these days. They make such a great garden bed to plant all kinds of succulents which spread well…..sometimes too well.  This one is my favorite at this time.  I have pinks, all kinds of sedum, and my erodium.  Still disappointed that I cannot get it live through an Ohio winter.

Largest Hypertufa

These troughs are so useful all around the garden, not for just sun lovers, but also really nice in shade. I love it when the moss grows on them. This oval one has Lime Zinger in it and I am really loving the colors on the edges of the “petals.”

oval trough hypertufa

Since I have so many, I can put them all over the garden area, and I think they mingle well with the other plants.  I have some sitting around a Mungo Pine and I love the contrast of the colors. I have some arborvitae that look really nice too.  In the middle of my garden, I have a Sweet Gum tree and I was told it is the one without any little prickly balls growing on it. So far I have not seen any and it has been growing there for several seasons. So it seems I got correct information. I hate to be bamboozled.

campfire pit hypertufa

There are many shapes and size, and each time I make one, I think “Oh this one is my new favorite.” But later when I make more, my favorite list just gets bigger and bigger. I shouldn’t try and decide on a favorite, I guess. They are all special in certain ways depending on the size and look I am going for in the garden.


I don’t buy planters at all, because I don’t need to. I can make any size I want, and any shape.  That’s one of the best things about hypertufa planters. Whatever you want, you can just make it!


My draped hypertufa containers were really different, so I am trying new techniques. I hope to have some new things soon.

The hanging hypertufa planter has worked well this year. It holds the moisture well and just needs water like the other hypertufa planters. Doesn’t dry out like the previous coconut fiber liner did. I still have not had the mistletoe cactus bloom. Maybe later this year? or next?


I love the box-shaped cubes. Another favorite. The thyme is growing all down the sides this year. This is one of my most colorful combinations. I have used prints and closeups of it on many of my Facebook images. Catching it at the right season with the prettiest color is a lot of fun.


I am going to go out today and use another mold to make something different. Thanks for checking this out. And have a wonderful day!  Make yourself some hypertufa planters. You will be hooked!

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  1. Deb Gundersen says:

    I’d like to know what kind of soil to put in my hypertufa. I made it years ago and can’t remember what I used but I will be replanting it this spring.

    1. Hypertufa itself is so porous that you really could probably use any soil bagged or packaged. I usually use the ones for cactus/succulents if that is what I am planting. Add a little extra perlite or grit for extra drainage if you thing you’ll need it. Happy planting!

  2. Kim,
    HI! Loved this! I would love to make a few planters in the future, but What comes to mind is repairing a few garden globes that I got from a neighbor in TX. They are hollow, I can see mesh in parts and some have holes. I would love to put a skim coat over all of it and maybe paint them. Would your hypertufa recipe work for this? You inspire me to save cardboard/styrofoam containers now. 🙂

    1. Thanks and I think those globes would do great with a hypertufa coating. Just get it thick all over. The mesh should help support it. They will look great with moss growing over them no matter what.

  3. Thanks so much for all your informative hypertufa making posts. I follow them in my feedly.

    Recently I found some large clamshell shaped plastic serving bowls. In your experience, how do you think those would work for a mold? Should I put the mixture on the inside of the bowl or the outside?

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    1. Kim Smith says:

      Laura, I think those would make really nice molds. Unusual shapes are so neat! And with this one, you could make a “seascape” with the succulents you choose to plant it with. I always go inside, but you may want to go outside if you think that would give you the bigger planting area.

  4. Anna Bookelaar says:

    I see all the planters you have made but would hypertufa make strong paving stones?

    1. Kim Smith says:

      Hi Anna, I have not made paving stones with my hypertufa. So I can’t say for sure if it would work. I think the constant contact with the ground in a cold/wet winter (depending on your zone) may make them crumble. Probably a cement mixture would work best for that. A friend has a blog with info on paving stones here.

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