A Few Of My Favorite Hypertufa Pots

A Few of My Favorite Hypertufas!

 This past weekend, I was remembering fondly my favorite hypertufas made over the last year and some prior to that. I LOVE every one of them so much, and I know they will be garden planters I can admire for the next 50 years.

My Favorite Hypertufas - Some of them, at least.

I have a collection of some photos to show how they are doing. Some you may have seen before on this site, but others may be new to you. But I am so proud of them, I have to put them on display again. Don’t you want to see a few more hypertufa pots?

A Favorite buff colored pot

I have a lot of the medium sized bowls and troughs but this past year I really started to enjoy and make some larger landscape garden planters too! These have been a great success. The only problem I have with them is wanting MORE!

2014 June to Sept T Rex Trough from The Hypertufa Gardener

You can see how quickly the plants grew in this trough in just three months. This is my large 4ft by 2ft trough and more are coming. I really like this one. It is a statement piece.

I make my planters very thick on the bottom and sides which makes them more stable outside. I feel this insulates them from temperature changes which occur here in Ohio quickly. We can go from 50° on one afternoon in winter to 10° by midnight. So I think that a thick side and bottom help healthy roots survive the freeze-thaw cycle over and over.

Some Favorite Hypertufa Pots - The Hypertufa Gardener
Extra Large Hypertufa Pot - The Hypertufa Gardener

So let me just step back and admire my handiwork! Don’t you love the texture on this one above?  Perfect!


Each of these bowls seem to grow moss easily on the surface which makes them look ancient within just a few months. I can use these in both sun and shade.


My draped hypertufa planters or cement fabric pots have been very popular and I can thank you readers for that. You have certainly embraced this idea to make a new shape.

A Few of My Favorite Hypertufa Pots Draped Style - The Hypertufa Gardener

Now I am dreaming of a whole new year of making more and more. I just can’t stop. Maybe I will when I run out of room. But that won’t happen soon!

Please visit the Facebook Page and post photos of yours. I love to see what yours look like!












  1. I forgot to mention on my previous comment, that I plant anything I can find to plant in my hypertufa containers, including vegetables and herbs. Never have any of them died or looked sick. I prefer these planters over anything you an buy.

    1. Great! I plant anything and use them just like any other container. I love it when I want a pot and I can just create the size and shape I want.

  2. I have made several pots with hypertufa following your recipes. Of course, I have had some humdinger fails. But, for the most part, they have turned out very well. I have even had some stolen from my front porch (which tells me someone likes them..lol). I just recently molded one using a laundry basket. As we speak, it is cooking. I, also, made a head stone for a friend who lost their beloved feline, Carman. It has a flat bottom with a small flower pot that will sit on top on the flat bottom. As soon as they are finished, I plan on posting a picture of both items, if that is ok. Thank you so much for all of your videos, they are so helpful.

    1. So glad you found all this info useful. I like the idea of a laundry basket. I may try that too. Love to see the photos when you are ready.

  3. Thanks, Michelle. Glad you made some. These are great and lasting planters. Have fun and make more!

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