Pile of Wood and Bricks

Bombogenesis? Seriously?

I really don’t feel like working in the cold.

But since there is a Bombogenesis heading this way… Yeah, seriously, that was the word on the morning news. Dr Suess books must have been consulted to name that one! Simpler ways are available to say “It’s going to get cold!” Duh!

Pile of Wood and Bricks

I had to get out there and get some work finished. You know we’ve torn out the pool this fall, and now have leveled out the full back yard, I needed to fix the barrier between my garden and the new lawn area.


My husband and I disagree over what to do, so I may have to do it all over by spring, but for now, I will use the retaining wall bricks or the 4 x 6 landscape wood that I already have and fix a wall there. My garden is a raised area on the side of the house. I didn’t really realize how raised until we took everything out of the back. So I must make do.

I will make the wall now and perhaps can add some sempervivums in the cracks. Maybe that will be my “semp farm” if it turns out to be a great place to grow them.

It is very muddy here and my shoes were caked with the stuff which made it hard to walk. But I did get out there and get it done.


I decided on the wood pieces. Is that because they were pieces that were four or five feet long and allowed me to finish up earlier than I would with the one-foot-size retaining wall stones? Was I affected by the probability that those stones weighed approximately the same as a Smart Car? Could be true.  But I used the wooden boards.

These are treated wood and I don’t expect them to last forever. But I do need something to make it look “passable” for the winter period. If needed, I will change it up in the spring.

Note to self: In the spring, look at it. It will look really really good. And shut your eyes if it doesn’t.


I did stick a few sempervivums in the dirt and gravel next to that edge. They just called out to me and asked to be placed there. Let’s hope they get a chance to anchor in before this “Arctic Blast” hits up these next several days. That was one reason I wanted to get out there and get something done NOW!  Bombogenesis?  Who made up that word?

So what are you rushing around to do before Old Bombo hits?

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